22 Feb 2025 - 23 Syaaban 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:58 | 7:16 | 13:20 | 16:36 | 19:21 | 20:31 | Nisab $10358
Solat Eidul Adha 1438H

Solat Eidul Adha 1438H

Information about Hari Raya Eid Adha Prayers – 10th Zulhijjah 1438H Eidul Adha Prayers at Darul Makmur Mosque will start at 8am. For those who wish to perform your Eid Prayers at Darul Makmur Mosque, please take note of the following: 1. Prayer Area for Ladies...
30th Anniversary Charity Dinner

30th Anniversary Charity Dinner

This year marks 30 years since the grand opening of Darul Makmur Mosque. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Darul Makmur Mosque has planned a number of activities, Launching of our 30th Anniversary week events during Awal Muharam and a talk on “7 Golongan yang akan...
Korban 1438H

Korban 1438H

Recruiting for Volunteers for Ibadah Korban 1438H!! Feel like giving a little bit back to society? Want to create a special memory thats’s a little bit different from other forms of memory you currently have on Hari Raya Haji? Volunteer with us!! register now...