1 Apr 2025 - 2 Syawal 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:49 | 7:06 | 13:10 | 16:15 | 19:13 | 20:22 | Nisab $

“Fiqh of Planned Giving”
with Murabbi Ustaz Md Syazwan Elrani

Commencing 6 April 2019
Saturdays, 2pm to 4pm
held at aLIVE classrooms in Darul Makmur Mosque

Fees: $40 + $5 (misc fee) / per month
($20 registration fee for new students)

Synopsis :
Many things should be put into consideration in order to maintain the purity of our property in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the Shariah. By understanding how to plan our economies and finance, it is hoped to implement the objectives of Shariah in society, business and finance that will bring prosperity and happiness to every individual in the community.

This comprehensive course will provide a clearer picture with regards to money management in the eyes of Islamic law alongside current issues, case studies and fatwas. Areas that will be touched are the concept of wealth, its importance as well as the dimensions of wealth planning which includes wealth accumulation, protection, purification, cleansing and disposition.

Visit https://tinyurl.com/adil-2yrprog2019 to register today!