23 Feb 2025 - 24 Syaaban 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:58 | 7:16 | 13:20 | 16:35 | 19:21 | 20:31 | Nisab $10358

ADIL Academic year 2023 - Dawn of Makkah (History of Nabi Muhammad SAW Before Hijrah)

This module aims to explore the blessed life of the most influential man; Nabi Muhammad ﷺ. This will be conducted through an in-depth analysis of the environment, cultures and practices as well as the important events before and after his birth, adolescence and post-adolescence years, and prophethood; until the final year before the establishment of the Madinah community in chronological order.

Lessons derived from the Prophet’s ﷺ. history are truly living examples which can be reflected upon, internalized and applied to the modern context. This module is drawn up with the hope that participants will be able to fully comprehend the Arabic, tribal and nomadic background before and after Islam, and extract relevant and meaningful lessons on the life of the Prophet s.a.w. and apply the learning points into their daily lives.

In this 6 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

 Age of Jahiliyyah
 Life of the Prophet ﷺ (Pre-prophethood)
 Prophethood & the Early Converts
 Challenges & Tribulations

: Ustazah Azeemah Mustafa
/: Every Saturday, 11, 18 & 25 February 2023 (3 Weeks)
: 2.00pm – 4.00pm
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➡️ Class will be conducted in English
➡️ Suitable for 20 years & above

*Fees $45 per month $50 per module (One-time registration of $20 for New Students.)
