28 Mar 2025 - 27 Ramadhan 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:50 | 7:07 | 13:12 | 16:13 | 19:15 | 20:23 | Nisab $10975


Assalamualaikum wr wb

If you’re keen to in continuing the journey of learning how to read The Quran with proper tajwid but you’re unsure of which class suits you best, then Darul Makmur Mosque have just the course for you. A practical intensive course where we teach the words of Allah for you to learn in 2 months (part 2)! Suitable for those who are able to read IQRA 5-6 (Intermediate Level) age 20 years and above, it starts on 27 August 2023.

IQRA’ Literacy level: Intermediate (IQRA’ 5-6)
Duration: 8 weeks
Language of Delivery: English/Malay
Course Fees: $40 per month + $10* (*Non-refundable Admin Fee)

Join this class and take the first step in the fulfilling and rewarding habit of lifelong reading of the Holy Qur’an, InsyaAllah.

Register Now!