28 Mar 2025 - 27 Ramadhan 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:50 | 7:07 | 13:12 | 16:13 | 19:15 | 20:23 | Nisab $10975


Plans to build a mosque in Yishun housing estate began in the early 1980’s.

Then, the pioneer Muslim residents of Yishun stood at 102 individuals only. With the support of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis), the small group organised a large gathering with the attendance of Muslims residing in nearby areas and villages such as Sembawang Naval Base quarters, Sembawang Malay Settlement (Kampung Tengah, Tanjong Irau, Wak Hassan dan Ahmad Ibrahim), Kampung Mandai Road and Kampung Ayer Panas at Jalan Mata Ayer. They agreed to form a Mosque Building Committee and proposed a list of names to Muis for approval.

On Sunday 3 April 1983, at the void deck of Block 111 Yishun Ring Road, a momentous event was held. 31 members of the Mosque Building Committee received official Letters of Appointment from the then President of Muis, Tuan Hj Ismail Mohd Said. To prove that the Committee and residents of Yishun were ready to undertake the monumental task of building a mosque, $9,000 was raised during this event.

The Committee raised funds to equip the new mosque and its interior. Among the fund-raising projects and initiatives included:

  • Religious talks
  • Fixed Monthly Contributions
  • Jog-A-Walk
  • Charity Sale
  • Appeal letters to individuals, organisations, companies and Muslim bodies
  • Placing donation boxes at other mosques in Singapore during Friday solat
  • Sale of donation coupons
  • Wakaf contribution for mosque facilities

These projects received an encouraging response from the community. The list of contributions received included:

  • Briyani Rice Charity Sale – $40,000
  • Appeal letters – $13,000
  • Donation boxes during Friday solat – $28,000
  • Jog-A-Walk – $85,000
  • Wakaf projects – $30,000

The Committee also received compensation from the acquisition of mushollahs (surau) in the nearby villages affected by the government’s resettlement projects.
They were:

  • Surau Kg Tanjong Irau – $32,667.18
  • Surau Jalan Mata Ayer – $8,688.34
  • Surau Jalan Kemuning – $4,929.45

Several names for the new mosque were suggested such as AI-Jannah, AI-Makmur, Assobirin, Faisah, AI-Bilal, AI-Muaasim, Aminin, AI-Syuhadah dan AI-Araf. Finally, the Fatwa Committee of Muis chose Darul Makmur as the name of the new mosque in Yishun.

Alhamdulillah, with the conscientious efforts, contribution and support of the Mosque Building Committee and Muslim residents in Yishun and nearby areas, Darul Makmur Mosque construction was completed and officially launched on 25 July 1987. Eidul Adha Prayers 1407H was the first congregational prayer held upon its completion.

The total cost of construction was $2.827 million.