15 Mar 2025 - 14 Ramadhan 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:55 | 7:11 | 13:16 | 16:21 | 19:19 | 20:26 | Nisab $10975
Playfest 2019

Playfest 2019

Yayasan MENDAKI will be organising Mini PlayFest @ Heartlands on this Sunday, 30 June 2019 at Yishun Town Square from 10am to 3pm.Darul Makmur Mosque aLIVE Madrasah Department will also be conducting activities and setting up our booth during this event.Objectives of...
Qiyamullail 1440H

Qiyamullail 1440H

“Lailatul Qadr itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan.” Ramadan tahun ini, ayuhlah kita meraikan bersama malam-malam terakhir dengan ibadah Qiyamullail di Masjid Darul Makmur! Semoga segala amalan kita diterima dan dirahmatiNya. Insya Allah Ameen! Bermula jam...
Mosque Upgrading Project

Mosque Upgrading Project

Darul Makmur Mosque will be going through Mosque Upgrading Project in last quarter of this year (2019), Insya Allah.. We welcome wakaf donation from everyone for the above items. Donations may be done online through i-Banking or directly at our Congregant Services...
Kalam Ramadan 1440H

Kalam Ramadan 1440H

Kalam Ramadan 1440H Scan the QR Code above to download a copy of the Kalam Ramadan 1440H in PDF or download here!  Imbas kod QR diatas untuk memuat turun versi PDF Kalam Ramadan 1440H atau di lelaman...