23 Feb 2025 - 24 Syaaban 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:58 | 7:16 | 13:20 | 16:35 | 19:21 | 20:31 | Nisab $10358
Ceramah Bulanan (Jan – Mac 2022)

Ceramah Bulanan (Jan – Mac 2022)

Ceramah Bulanan (Jan - Mac 2022) Assalamualaikum wr wb!   Ceramah bulanan 2022 bertema “Siri Keluarga Mithali” bakal diadakan pada Setiap Sabtu Ke-3 setiap bulan, selepas Maghrib. Santapan ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk memberi bimbingan dan panduan kepada...
Kuliah Subuh Ahad (Januari 2022)

Kuliah Subuh Ahad (Januari 2022)

Kuliah Subuh Ahad (Januari 2022) Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, InsyaAllah pada bulan Januari ini, tema bulanan Kuliah Ahad Subuh “Erti Hidup Bertaqwa”. – Kuliah Cuti Umum -1 Jan 2022 | “Taqwa: Tiang Utama Berkeluarga”Bersama Ustaz Nor Razak Bin Bakar, Registrar,...
Kuliah Mingguan 2022

Kuliah Mingguan 2022

Kuliah Mingguan 2022 Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, Alhamdulillah kuliah-kuliah telah kembali secara Fizikal untuk tahun 2022 ini, kuliah juga turut disiarkan LIVE di Facebook/Youtube ‘Darul Makmur Mosque’. Berikut adalah senarai Kuliah Ilmiah setiap minggu anjuran Masjid...
RFP Modified Korban Services 2020

RFP Modified Korban Services 2020

Assalamualaikum wr wb,   Masjid Darul Makmur is pleased to invite all interested vendors to provide a favourable proposal for the Modified Korban Services 2020.   Submit via email to korban@darulmakmur.mosquqe.org.sg with the subject “Request for Proposal (RFP) for...
Online Weekly Kuliah

Online Weekly Kuliah

Assalamualaikum wr wb dear Jemaah All the mosques in Singapore, including Darul Makmur Mosque, are temporarily closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However for you, our dear jemaah, we will do our best to provide our Kuliah via ONLINE continuously. The videos will be...
Vote for your Favourite Photograph!

Vote for your Favourite Photograph!

The Photography Competition is well on its way to the second stage! The picture with the highest number of votes will win.Winners will be notified via email and presented with prizes on 8th April in tandem with our Nisfu Syaaban programme. Voting tips:• Viewers may...
Photography Competition

Photography Competition

Photography Competition In the memories, there is solace… Darul Makmur Mosque is going to be upgraded soon for you, our jemaah. The theme of this competition is to capture the beautiful structure and unique designs, lines, shape, texture, pattern, and landscape...