24 Feb 2025 - 25 Syaaban 1446 | Prayer Times | 5:58 | 7:16 | 13:20 | 16:35 | 19:21 | 20:31 | Nisab $10358
Functional Screening

Functional Screening

Saturday, 27th October 2018 (9.00am to 1.00pm)happening at Darul Makmur Mosque Have you felt that you are failing your eyesight, hear a little and taste a little lesser??Are your senses slowly failing you? Or just your feelings? Come down to Darul Makmur Mosque for a...
Blood Donation Drive

Blood Donation Drive

Saturday, 20th October 2018 (11AM – 5PM)happening at Nee Soon East CC “I’m alive today thanks to the donors who gave me blood.” Let’s do our part to donate blood today and share the gift of Life.It might be our own relatives, friends or...
Our Last Ghusl [bath]

Our Last Ghusl [bath]

*In collaboration with PJSB Pengurusan Jenazah Sinaran Baharu* Date: 20th October 2018Time: 8.30am to 6pmVenue: Darul Makmur Mosque Auditorium (Lvl 3)Fee: $50.00Language: EnglishBreakfast and Lunch will be provided.—Topics that will be shared:• Ghusl Method...
Awal Muharram 1440H

Awal Muharram 1440H

Alhamdulillah for the start of the New Hijri Year. May Allah SWT ease us into the New Year and grant us continuous blessings in our efforts to serve the Community. And may we always be steadfast in our intentions and our deen. Ameen ya Rabbal Alamin....
Nasi Briyani Amal

Nasi Briyani Amal

Assalamualaikum wr wb, In our efforts to raise funds for our upgrading works, Darul Makmur Mosque is selling coupons for Nasi Briyani, a Singapore favourite, by Burrocks!! Support our cause by purchasing a coupon of $10, for a single pack of Mutton Nasi Briyani, or a...

Ibadah Korban 2018/1439H

“Daging dan darah binatang korban atau hadiah itu tidak sekali-kali akan sampai kepada Allah, tetapi yang sampai kepadaNya ialah amal yang ikhlas yang berdasarkan taqwa dari kamu. Demikianlah Ia memudahkan binatang-binatang itu bagi kamu supaya kamu membesarkan...