29 Apr 2024 - 20 Syawal 1445 | Prayer Times | 5:38 | 6:58 | 13:04 | 16:22 | 19:07 | 20:18 | Nisab $8154

Estimated Cost for Ramadan this year: $ 171, 210.00
Below are the detailed estimated costs:
Administration, Logistics & Utilities : $ 24, 085
Porridge Distribution : $ 40, 365
Food & Beverage : $ 69, 900
Community Development Programmes : $ 43, 000
Dakwah Programmes : $ 43, 000

Jazakumullah Khairan~

We would like to thank you for your kind donations and support that you have given.

For payments via PayNow, please allow 2 working days for our Finance team to verify the payment and send the Receipt to the email provided.
Please do not change the reference number given.

For any further enquiries, please call: 6752 1402 or 6852 8363 (during counter opening hours), WhatsApp to 9789 4148 or 8433 5442 or email to corporate@darulmakmur.mosque.sg